Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra to Host Open House on February 20
Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra to Host Open House on February 20
Opportunity for behind the scenes look at 2021 Youth Symphony of the Year
[Elgin, Illinois, February 2022) Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra (EYSO) will hold an Open House for student musicians on Sunday, February 20, from 3:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the Elgin Community College Arts Center, 1700 Spartan Drive.
EYSO has opportunities for instrumentalists in 4th grade through college. Student musicians, playing their instruments from two years to 12, can find a place to grow in one of six large ensembles, three small ensembles, and over 20 chamber music groups. For 46 years, EYSO has been preparing students for a lifelong journey of inquiry, creativity, and growth.
The Open House, held in conjunction with EYSO Sunday rehearsals, allows students and families to become acquainted with EYSO education and performance experience. Through rigorous methods of inquiry and “expert noticing,” EYSO offers not only unparalleled performance opportunities but also a comprehensive learning environment.
EYSO, one of the premier youth orchestras in the state, was named the 2021 Illinois Youth Orchestra of the Year by the Illinois Council of Orchestras. EYSO has nearly 300 students from 70 communities in Kane, DuPage, DeKalb, Lake, McHenry, Kendall, Will, Cook, and LaSalle counties.
Open House registration is suggested, but not required. Drop-ins are welcome. Interested students and families can visit https://www.eyso.org/openhouse to plan their schedule for the day and to register.
Students who cannot attend the February 20th open house may email office@eyso.org to arrange to visit a rehearsal on another Sunday or attend a second open house scheduled for April 10, from 3:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the Elgin Community College Arts Center.
EYSO is now accepting audition applications for the 2022-23 season. Auditions will be held May 26-29, 2022, at Elgin Community College. Students may explore the audition process, learn about audition requirements, and sign-up to audition at https://www.eyso.org/join-eyso.
ESYO continues its 2021-22 concert season with concerts on Sunday March 13th and Sunday, May 8th with performances at 2:00, 4:30 and 7:00 p.m. at the Elgin Community College Arts Center. To purchase tickets visit tickets.elgin.edu or call the box office at (847) 622-0300. Livestream tickets will be sold at EYSO.org.
The mission of EYSO is to create a community of young musicians, enriching their lives and the lives of their families, schools, communities, and beyond, through the study and performance of excellent music.